
Unofficial Smash Bros. Ultimate Sephiroth amiibo Reveal

The One-Winged Angel clad in black villain Sephiroth was officially confirmed for the Smash Bros. Ultimate amiibo line in October 2021. Up until there was only a description of how he might look and with this photo our imaginations can now take a break, courtesy of the recent photo.

In our first look at the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate amiibo figure in the name of Sephiroth posted via Twitter by user zaypiie.

The street date for when the boss descends from the heavens and onto Switch consoles has yet to be determined. But following his eventual release there are still other figures Nintendo won’t has to release for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate There is still the Mythra, Pyra, and Kazuya amiibo the remain in the pipeline to drop. It will be interesting to see what happens with Sora given he is tied to Disney – the mouse house.

We’ll keep you updated about more amiibo news in the future, including a final release date for Sephiroth.



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